Impact Ministries Canada


Make an Impact through Your Giving

Your Donation will Grow Godly Leaders in Guatemala



Where Most Needed

Where Most Needed

Help grow godly leaders in Guatemala

Sponsor a Class

Sponsor a Class

Grow godly leaders by impacting a whole class

Sponsor a Child

Sponsor a Child

Give them the means to an education



Give the gift of education to children in Guatemala



Provide much-needed medical & dental care to rural Guatemala

Orphan Care

Orphan Care

Change a future by championing orphaned and abandoned little ones



Keep Impact moving through transportation and vehicle maintenance



Watch your giving grow when you give to Impact's agricultural initiatives

Rio de Vida Church

Rio de Vida Church

Support the church as it reaches out to the community

Special Occasion Gifts

Special Occasion Gifts

Give a special gift to your class or your sponsor child

In Honour / Memory

In Honour / Memory

Dedicate your donation in honour of someone or in memory of a life well-lived

Support a Missionary

Ministry: Les & Rita

Ministry: Les & Rita

Come alongside Les & Rita as they serve Guatemala

Ministry: Ruth

Ministry: Ruth

Come alongside Ruth as she serves in Guatemala

Ministry: Julie

Ministry: Julie

Come alongside Julie as she serves in Guatemala

Ministry: Scott & Julie

Ministry: Scott & Julie

Come alongside Scott & Julie as they serve Guatemala





Looking for one of our fundraisers? You’ll find them on our Fundraising Page


Other Donation Options 

Call in your donation at (250) 434-4350

Donate by Cheque 

Make your cheque out to:
Impact Ministries Canada
PO Box 975 Kamloops BC V2C 6H1


Remittance Form

Pre-Authorized Debit

Print & mail a PAD Agreement to set up monthly donations directly through your bank


PAD Agreement

Leave a Legacy 

Want to leave a legacy or donate stocks & bonds? We can walk you through the process        


Contact Us

Gifts are tax deductible. Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by Impact Ministries. Should a donor designate a contribution, we will honour that designation with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by Impact Ministries, the remaining designated gifts will be used where most needed.

Privacy Policy:  We keep your personal information private and secure. When you make a payment through our site, you provide your name, contact information, payment information, and additional information related to your transaction. We use this information to process your payment and to ensure your payment is correctly debited to your account and to keep you updated on the work of the ministry.